- Master in Applied Business Analytics
- Master of Science in Management – Evening Program

Master in Applied Business Analytics
The Master in Applied Business Analytics (MABA) Program, launched in 2018, is a two-year graduate program for experienced professionals in any industry who want to seize the power of data and analytics in their work to forward their organization. It is designed for working professionals who are starting a career in analytics or wanting to build their managerial expertise and take their analytics career to the next level.
MABA is an applied, multi- disciplinary, experience building and collaborative program. Faculty from the academe and industry work together to combine theory and practice i.e., integrating business, technology, communication and quantitative disciplines with liberal education. Our partnership with the Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Association of the Philippines (AAP), Amazon Web Services (AWS) Academy, and other sponsor companies helps the students to work on real problems of real clients with actual data for their analytics course projects. Courses are project-oriented employing inquiry-based approach to learning to build critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
More information about the MABA Program is available here.

Master of Science in Management - Evening Program
The Master of Science in Management Evening Program (MScM), which started in 2010, is the flagship stand-alone graduate program of the School of Management (SMN). It is a unique two-year master’s course that equips professionals with knowledge, attributes, skills, and experiences (KASE) to be able to strategically decide on business opportunities and apply the core competencies of an MScM Leader and a good and innovative researcher who can drive meaningful advancements in their field. It arms them with strong analytical skills, communication skills, ethical sensitivity, and soft skills (ACES), making them dynamic and flexible in meeting the ever-changing demands of the business environment.